
It is called the restoration of a historical, authentic and original masterpiece that hosted an important event, in accordance with its original, by making use of the appropriate material, original construction technique and originality, by preserving it with as little intervention as possible.

 During this process, it would be against the spirit of restoration to make any comments that would add any change to the structure or historical artifact. The objective and special conditions of the work should be examined and it should be done in a way to reveal the original of the work in the light of works of similar period. A deep investigation and documentation is required before restoration can be undertaken. Only after that, the repair phase of the restoration and finally the protection phase are carried out.

By restoring, it is aimed to preserve historical artifacts and textures in their original forms and transfer them to future generations. It has to be done under the supervision of experts in restoration and generally graduated from architecture (restoration master’s degree), museology, restoration and art history departments.

In general, for the repair of structures in restoration applications; consolidation, integration, renewal, reconstruction, cleaning, transportation techniques are used.